The Importance of Reviews for Pest Control

The Quality of Reviews Can Make or Break a Pest Control Company’s Reputation

Online reviews have become prominent in recent years. In today’s digital world, reviews can make or break a Pest Control company’s reputation. Positive reviews can be the deciding factor a prospect will use to choose your pest control services over competitors in your local area. On the other hand, negative reviews can deter prospects and hurt your brand’s reputation.

Unfortunately, often times, pest control companies are not made aware of a customer’s dissatisfaction with the service their company provided them until the customer releases his or her frustrations on one of the company’s online reviews platforms.

Your pest control company’s reviews strategy should begin long before the customer feels the need to publicly shame your company and deter local prospects from using your services. Likewise, having few or outdated reviews on your review sites can give you a competitive disadvantage over other local Pest Control companies that have consistent positive ones.

Having a few bad reviews mixed in with several good ones is no reason to panic. People trust companies with mixed reviews over ones with all positive ones, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to get as many good ones as possible. Let them come organically and get a feel for which customers to really target for them. These customers are not difficult to identify, they are the ones who do business with you regularly and the ones who offer verbal praises for your services.

Reviews Can Help or Hurt a Pest Control Company’s Online Rankings

Search engines, like Google, rank pest control companies competitively based upon the quality and quantity of their online reviews. If you are ranking lower than your local competitors on Google, you may want to check out the reviews section on their Google Business Profile.

Google offers customers more chances than one to post reviews about your pest control services after the customer does business with you and even before. If you have a Google Business Profile for your pest control company (which you should), Google will automatically prompt prospects to leave a review after they reach out to you via your GBP. These reviews can show up on your GBP in local search for others to view. That means your reviews strategy has to begin long before prospects even reach out to you.

How to Achieve a 5-Star Reviews Strategy for Pest Control

Your reviews strategy should begin and end with great customer service. If you are not generating reviews at a rate that gives you a competitive advantage in your market area, you want to make sure you are giving your customers a good reason to talk about you.

There is only a small percentage of customers who will leave a review without being prompted, and the ones who do are often only motivated to leave a review for exceptional service, or contrarily, terrible service.

In order to know if a customer is satisfied with your services, ask them. Encourage each tech to ask, “Were you satisfied with my services today?” This gives your customers a chance to address any dissatisfaction they may feel and your tech a chance to resolve it. Chances like these take the customer’s experience from satisfactory to exceptional.

Once you are sure a customer is completely satisfied with your services, ask them to leave a quick review. Many platforms make it easy for them. Target the platforms that generate the most traffic, like Google. Be sure each tech is introducing himself or herself by name to be as personable as he or she can be and offer a chance for the customer to write the warmest review possible, including the tech’s name.

Reviews should be treated as rewards because they are. They are like the gift that keeps on giving. They can give your Pest Control company leverage over competitors, give your company the credible reputation prospects can trust, improve your rankings in local search, and generate constant leads. Although there is no monetary cost for leaving reviews, they do not come freely or effortlessly. The price your Pest Control company must pay to be rewarded with high-quality reviews is excellent customer service.

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