A good inbound marketing strategy can increase traffic to all area of your company’s online presence and ultimately help you turn the increased traffic into more customers. However, if your inbound marketing strategy is not working it may simply be a drain on your time and financial resources. Take some time to evaluate these three signs that your inbound marketing strategy may not be working.
You are not attracting new customers.
The ultimate goal of an inbound marketing strategy, and any other type of marketing strategy, is to attract new customers and encourage repeat customers. If you have not seen an increase in your customer base then it is likely that your inbound marketing strategy is not working. If you are not receiving new visitors to your website and new followers on social media, what are the possible reasons?
You may not be creating value for the potential customer. One important part of attracting customers with inbound marketing is to create value. That basically means that you are offering information to potential customers that they can use without purchasing your product or service. This can help the customer feel like the received something valuable for free and create trust. One way to create value is to create useful content, which can be done in a variety of ways including blogging and posting on social media.
Potential customers are not engaging with your posts.
Interacting with customers on social media is an essential part of the inbound marketing plan for many companies. There is a large part of the population that uses social media on a daily basis. People use social media as a way to connect on a personal level and as a way to find and follow businesses that meet their needs, fix their problems, or generally add some type of value to their lives. One way to measure the success of your social media marketing efforts is the amount of engagement you get from your posts. Why are your marketing efforts on social media not resulting in more engagement from your audience?
There is not a sense of community around your brand or service on social media. Over fifty percent of people who follow a company or brand on social media are more loyal customers to that brand. The popularity of social media is a testimony to the fact that people want to be connected to a larger community. If you create a presence on social media that encourages community among fans of your company, you are much more likely to see an increase in new and recurring customers. Creating a sense of community can be done by creating value, as previously mentioned, and by allowing honest feedback from customers. Allowing and encouraging reviews and dialogue about your company is an important part of creating community because in establishes trust. If people see a good review from a friend or acquaintance it can impact their likelihood to try your company. In addition, if people see a complaint from a customer and a response and resolution from you, it can assure them that the company provides good customer service.
You are not converting traffic into leads.
Increased traffic to your website and social media platforms is an important element to any inbound marketing strategy. However, the increased traffic has to be converted into real life customers in order for you to really consider your inbound marketing strategy a success. Why is the increase in traffic not resulting in an increase in leads?
You are not creating enough call-to-actions that are enticing visitors to do something. In order to convert traffic into leads it is important to let your potential customers know what step to take next. For example, if you own a health food company, you ultimately want your customers to buy their health food from you. You increase the traffic to your website because you provide an abundance of useful information about fitness, healthy food and delicious recipes. When you have people visiting your site because of the value of your content, you must make sure they know that you can help them get the products they need to reach their fitness goals, and make delicious, healthy recipes. But don't just tell them, provide them with a CTA so they take action immediately.