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4 Ways You Can Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Posted by Casey Lewis on Thursday, October 2, 2014

Topics: Inbound Marketing

increase-landing-page-conversion-rateLanding pages are a key part of the inbound marketing formula for success – but only if they are being used correctly. Your landing page shouldn’t just be a place for you to direct people to; it should be a turning point in the sales process, where you either turn a visitor into a lead or into a sale.

If you’re using landing pages (and you absolutely should be using them), your conversion rates might not be where you want them to be: the average conversion rate is a meager 2.35 percent. But the top digital marketers are converting more than double that amount, with a 5.3 percent conversion rate. 

So how can you double your landing page conversion rates? Here are some valuable tips to help you join the upper echelon of marketers:

1. Make it worth their while

It’s a commonly held maxim that you nothing in life is free – and that includes your visitors’ contact information. Why would they willingly give you their name, phone number and address without something in return? 

You need to demonstrate value to your landing page visitors, and that can be accomplished with a content offer. A content offer can be relatively simple, such as an infographic, a white paper or eBook, it just has to represent something of value to your audience. 

If you are in the pet supply industry, why not provide an eBook on the “Top 10 Misconceptions About Pet Care”? Or a PowerPoint presentation on “How To Determine the Best Dog Food for your Pooch”? Both of these could be created using the knowledge of in-house experts, or with a little time spent researching on the internet.

When you provide content, you’re now flipping the script on your visitor; you’re giving them something for virtually nothing. They’ll view their contact information as a small price to pay in exchange for valuable knowledge.

2. Your call to action must inspire action

A call to action on a landing page is your key sales pitch; it’s what tells your prospective client to buy what you’re selling. If it isn’t persuasive or engaging enough, your prospective client will be less likely to take the plunge.

Calls to action should be action-oriented, using words like “start,” “enter,” or “download.” The call to action button should also be one of the most noticeable things on the page, and it should be large and abundantly clear. You want to ensure there’s no way your visitor will miss it.

3. Ensure you have a form – and that it is easy to use

Your landing page should have a form that is easy to fill out (in fact, you should consider adding Facebook connectivity to make it even easier), and well designed. Nothing will frustrate an internet user faster than a buggy webpage, so having an ill-performing form will repel potential customers.

Even something as simple as a CAPTCHA or other extra step can sometimes be enough to lower conversion rates. When it comes to forms, simplicity and clarity are vital.

4. Consider an A/B test

A/B tests have become very common in the digital marketing world, because they are very easy to execute. Often, marketing emails are sent out to similar contacts with different subject lines or even slightly different content, in an attempt to figure out what works best. You can do the same with a landing page. Use two different landing page styles, or slightly different content, and see what works better. It’s possible there won’t be a noticeable difference, but if there is, you’ll gain valuable insight into what your potential clients respond to.

To read more on this topic, download our free eBook "30 Hottest Lead Generation Tips".

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