Even if you’re somewhat new to the online world, you’re almost guaranteed to know what Google is. Google has gone from simply a search engine to being a way of life. How many times a day do you hear someone say “I’ll Google it”? So while you may not realize it, you’re already familiar with what a Google SERP is.
By definition, a search engine results page (SERP) is the listing of results returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. Basically everything most users do online results in a SERP. When the majority of people go online, they are looking for the answer to a question or to find a particular product or service. And the majority of those users go straight to Google to find it.
This is why such importance is placed on your Google rankings. If you aren’t showing up on Google SERPs, then the odds of anyone finding your website aren’t great. In order to gain new online visitors, which will hopefully convert into promising leads and then loyal customers, you need to make sure that your website, blog, and social media pages are showing up in the search results.
The best and easiest way to accomplish this is to consistently churn out great blog content that is relevant to what your target buyers will be searching for. If you don’t currently have a blog for your business, start one! There is no better way to drive your business up in the search engine results than through blog content.
When you do begin blogging, you need to make sure that you are doing a few certain things. The most important thing you do when getting started will be choosing specific keywords that your target buyers will be searching for. Although you want the keywords to be closely related to your business and what it is that you do, you need to make sure that these keywords aren’t so competitive that you may never rank for them.
For instance, if your business is a veterinarian office in Santa Fe, instead of choosing the keyword “vet clinic Santa Fe” to target, focus on “my dog ingested chocolate” or “why is my cat not eating”. These keyword phrases are much more specific, but they are also common web searches that pet owners conduct. What this means is that there isn’t near as much online competition to rank highly for these phrases – every veterinarian in Santa Fe won’t think to target these words. But when your target consumers begin conducting these searches, your blog article relating to exactly what they are looking for will be one of the first things they see. They will take a look at the information you’ve provided, and if they like what they see and find value in it, they may click through to your page to schedule an appointment. Or, they may bookmark your page for reference in the future. Or they may add your blog to their list of blogs that they regularly follow.
Even though your blog content may not always immediately lead to a new customer, it can begin to build a loyal fan base for your business. The great thing about this is that this loyalty often leads to new clients somewhere down the road.
By using your website and blog content to your advantage in this very specific way, you will begin to crawl your way to the top of the Google SERPs. Ranking highly on Google is imperative for the growth of your business at this point in time, so it’s essential that you begin creating this targeted content as soon as possible. To read more on this topic, download our free eBook "How to Rank #1 on Google".