If you are looking into inbound marketing for your business, then you are probably searching around for places to learn about this strategy. This might be how you stumbled on this blog post! Well, I am going to go over the top 4 websites (besides our own blog) where you will find the best and most comprehensive information on inbound marketing.
The term itself was only created about 11 years ago, in 2005, so it is still relatively new. Luckily, the internet is full of great, free resources to get acquainted with inbound marketing. It is difficult to give a single definition for this practice because it involves so many different things. Basically, with inbound marketing, customers find you, and with outbound or traditional marketing, you are trying to find customers. It is the difference between pulling in everyone who wants to buy your products or services, and pushing out the message about your products and services. If that doesn’t make any sense, visit one of these pages for a better overview.
This is the big one. When I said the term was created in 2005, this is the company that created it. HubSpot is a marketing automation software company, which we use here at Rhino. They are the ones who essentially started this whole movement and offer tons of information through their academy site.
One of the best things you can do to better understand inbound marketing is to complete the inbound certification course by HubSpot. It is completely free and goes over all the fundamentals and tools to help you get started. Additionally, if you choose to become a HubSpot customer, you can utilize a whole library of guides and manuals to help you master all the different functions and tools. For even more information, visit their blog, which is overflowing with articles.
2. Inbound.org
This forum type website is a place to learn from your peers in the marketing community. Users submit questions or articles, and everyone has a chance to answer or respond. It is a great place to see what is trending and to stay current. Many key marketing influencers regularly contribute to this site, so you have to chance to interact with leaders in the industry and hear their advice.
This site also hosts AMAs (ask me anything) with CEOs, founders, and owners of inbound marketing agencies. These are helpful sources for insights and advice on a wide range of relevant topics.
3. Moz Blog
Moz is widely known for their SEO expertise (be sure to check out their beginner’s guide to SEO), but they also know quite a lot about inbound and digital marketing. Their blog offers extremely high quality articles and videos on a huge selection of topics. They are all written by industry experts and offer valuable information. They publish new stuff several times a week and sometimes several times a day, so you are always sure to see something new.
Also, Moz offers a selection of free tools to help with your marketing efforts, such as the MozBar, which can help you with SEO, or My Business Listing, which shows how your business appears on search engines.
This website contains articles submitted by business professionals and influencers, and it sorts them by both industry and popularity. You can see what is the most popular day by day in all different categories from marketing to entertainment to world news. I am not a huge fan of the site layout because it is quite messy, but there are always informative articles here.
It is a good place to visit weekly to see what people are sharing and talking about. Because of the massive amount of articles submitted here, you are sure to find tips and guides on any topic you can think of related to inbound marketing or anything else.