Getting your company website and blog to rank high on the Google search engine results page is typically the number one goal for a business when they go online. Without a high Google ranking, it’s unlikely that many people will be able to find your business on the web. Gaining exposure and drawing in new potential customers is what keeps a business alive, so ensuring that you are doing all you can to make that happen is essential. So, let’s discuss the best way for your business to rank high on Google.
Although there are many factors in gaining a high Google ranking, the number one thing to focus on is your content. Quality blog and website content is absolutely a must when it comes to climbing the search engine results pages. This content is the number one thing that Google will look at when determining where you rank. The more frequently you update your website and blog, the more likely you are to receive a higher ranking.
Also, relevant content is key. Your target buyers are searching for specific things when they go online. Your first step should be to determine exactly what it is that they are looking for. Depending on your business, come up with several specific keywords or phrases that you believe your target consumer will often search for. Then, use these words to develop your website and blog content. This will lead to your target buyer personas seeing your business as not only relevant, but credible. Once this has happened, many will start linking your blog articles throughout their own personal social media accounts and/or blog, resulting in backlinks. Google gives very high rankings to content that has been linked on other sites.
By using words or phrases consistently throughout your blog and website content, Google will see that you are an “authority” on that particular subject. But while you want to use your keywords often, you should always make sure to not go overboard. Using keywords repeatedly where it doesn’t make sense for the flow of your copy is a red flag, and is considered keyword stuffing. Google heavily penalizes pages that take part in this practice, and it could backfire and leave your site hidden pages and pages down in the results.
Blog consistently in order to establish a routine that your fans and followers know to expect and will keep coming back for. If you can blog every single day, that’s fabulous. If that’s not realistic, commit to two or three days per week. In this instance, quality over quantity is the theme, although quantity certainly is a benefit.
The more great content you push out, the more your website and blog followers will begin to view your business as an authority and a leader in your industry. If you are seen as a leader, and someone that they value and feel they can trust, when it’s time to make a purchase they will most likely come your way. So not only does consistent quality content help your online rankings, it helps to establish your business in the eyes of your potential buyers.
While other factors, such as SEO and social media play a part in helping to climb up the search engine results pages, focusing on your content is the best way to make a difference quickly. Doing so will help your business gain exposure from potential clients who have an actual interest in the products and services that you have to offer, resulting in qualified leads for your company. To read more on this topic, download our free eBook "How to Rank #1 on Google".