Working in the business-to-business (B2B) sector can be quite challenging, especially when compared to the business-to-consumer market (B2C). When you’re dealing directly with consumers, you can take a variety of approaches to reach them.
But in the B2B space, you’re much more restricted. And it has everything to do with purchasing power and authority. A consumer has only one higher power to answer to: the almighty dollar. If they’ve got the money, they can make the purchase. But authority is just one of the factors in play for B2B sales. Which is why you’d benefit greatly from content marketing services.
Do you know how to reach the “decision maker”?
This is a corporate buzzword straight out of the shareholders meeting, but “decision makers” are everything in the B2B space. Whether you realize it or not, you’re actively targeting decision makers all the time.
A decision maker is any person with the authority and purchasing power to make a deal with your company. This is where the buck stops. And if you want to close a sale, you’re going to need that decision maker’s approval. Do you know how to get to this person?
Content hits the customer in the sweet spot
You know how every dog has that sweet spot you can scratch (usually under the chin) that turns them into putty? Well, every customer has a sweet spot that you need to target – something that interests them enough to listen to a sales pitch. And that’s what we can accomplish with content marketing.
When you hire a content marketing agency, we’ll delve deeply into whatever field we’re dealing with. Our content writers do the research, and they’ll speak with you directly if they need a specific answer. We take the time to understand what your potential customers want, and then we cater our content specifically to those desires.
That’s the real key to content (inbound) marketing: giving the customers what they want. Provide the information they need, and hopefully gain a new prospect in return.
Do you have time to handle all of this?
I’ll be honest with you: there’s nothing stopping you from utilizing these strategies on your own. In fact, if you read enough of our blog articles, you could probably start a successful inbound operation of your own. So what, we’re just giving away our sales secrets now?
Nope. We just understand how this process works; and it’s arduous and time-consuming. This is the reason why corporations have marketing departments: it’s a lot of effort!
Which is why you need a content marketing agency to handle it for you. With an agency at your side, you’ll be able to dictate the terms of your marketing campaigns without any heavy lifting. We can handle it all: from planning, to implementation, to email marketing campaigns and social media efforts.
Because do you know what else you get with content marketing services? Results. And they’re results that you can measure, because we provide analytics, too. When you’re paying for a service, you deserve to know how it’s performing.
Curious to learn more?
Take a look at our library of resources, or a few simple case studies of ours. I’m sure you will find something that interests you.