There is no way to deny that the internet is a powerful marketing tool. The vast majority of people use the internet to search for services they need, as opposed to using other methods such as the yellow pages. If you want potential customers to find your website when they need pest control services then you must have an online presence.
The place to start when you want to create an online presence and increase traffic to your website is to develop an inbound marketing plan. One of the strategies you can use as a part of your inbound marketing plan is to create blog content on your website. Quality content is an excellent way to attract people to your site. When you have content with relevant keywords throughout your site, it will make it more likely for your website to show up when potential customers use a search engine to find a local pest control company.
The idea of filling your pest control website with relevant and quality content may sound good, but is it possible? Will people be interested in reading content about pest control? The answer to both of those questions is yes. Once you start asking yourself the right questions, you will find that it is possible to come up with great ideas and create top notch blog content.
What questions do potential customers ask?
A good way to start coming up with ideas for blog content is to think about the types of questions you get asked on a regular basis. If each new customer asks the same basic three or four questions, then you know there is a lack of general knowledge on those topics. This is an excellent place to start with your blog content because you already know that it is information your specific customers want and need.
What concerns do customers raise about pest control services?
In addition to general questions about your services, customers may also raise concerns. Addressing the common concerns related to pest control is a great way to create blog content for your pest control company. For example, people may have concerns about the safety and effectiveness of the products you use for pest control. You can create content that addresses those issues and others. When potential customers visit your website they can get some of their concerns addressed simply by reading your blog.
What do you want potential customers to know?
There is some information about pest control in general, and your services specifically, that you need customers to know. The blog on your site is a good place to introduce potential customers to that information. For example, you can create content that teaches people how to prepare their home for pest control services. Another example is to explain to potential customers when they should seek out the help of a professional pest control company. The blog can be a way for you to give potential customers the information you want them to know and for them to better understand the whole process.
Getting started on creating blog content for your pest control company does not have to be complicated. You will find that there is plenty to write about when you look at things from the customer’s perspective. You can create high quality content when you strive to answer questions, address concerns, and provide vital information about your services.
If you are unsure that blogging works for the pest control industry, take a look at two case studies of ours. Both pest control companies have seen tremendous business growth from using inbound marketing strategies: Zap Pest Control, and San Joaquin Pest Control.