If you’ve been following this blog, you’ve certainly gathered by now that we’re big advocates of using HubSpot to manage and coordinate your content marketing campaign. So perhaps you’ve taken our advice, and have made the first move towards an inbound marketing campaign, and you’ve bought a HubSpot subscription. Or maybe you’ve even started your campaign, but aren’t seeing the kind of results you might have hoped for. Let’s look at a few things you should be doing once you’ve taken the plunge and made the investment in a HubSpot subscription.
Create engaging content.
HubSpot is all about content marketing, so before anything else, you’ll need to develop some interesting and informative content to get people’s attention. For starters, you’ll have to create content to fill up a number of web pages, as well as some landing pages. You’ll also need some content that people can download. These would typically be some sort of eBooks or whitepapers on subject matter relevant your target audience.
Your target audience - identify at least one buyer persona.
This is going to take some research. To do effective content marketing, you’re going to need to come up with a profile of the type of person who is your potential buyer. It’s crucial to know who your content is going to be aimed at. There can be more than one buyer persona, but they’ll need to be well thought out, based on data from other members of your team, and even from some of your existing customers.
Chart out your conversion path.
You may have already laid out the infrastructure of your site, and started loading it up with content. But it’s not enough to just build a site, no matter how much excellent content you’ve got up there, and just wait for people to come and buy. You also have to chart out a clear path that someone will follow to progress from being a visitor to becoming a qualified lead. Your HubSpot subscription offers a lot of room for customization, and you can use it to tailor different content to be delivered to visitors based on where they are in their buyer’s journey.
Keep it fresh with frequent blog posts.
Once you’ve identified your buyer persona(s), and the conversion path you want them to follow, you can start posting on your blog. This is a key element of content marketing, and, of course, HubSpot makes it easy to manage. To stay at the top of search engine results, keep posting frequently and at regular intervals. We always recommend blogging at least three times a week and sometimes more.
Make it happen - Calls to Action.
If you’re doing your content right, as we’ve described above, you should have people’s attention by this point. Now it’s time to get them to move along the buyer’s journey you want them to follow. This is done by including compelling Calls to Action (CTAs), strategically placed on your site, and in your blog posts. Make those CTAs clear and invited, using the type of verbiage that entices people to take an action, like “Click here for your free eBook” or “Call today for a free consultation”.
Be patient - this takes time.
Even if you’re doing everything right, you can’t expect overnight results from an inbound marketing campaign. It takes time to attract people, engage them, and convert them to buyers. Too many people start off doing everything according to plan, but then become disheartened when they don’t see more sales in a relatively short period of time. Stay the course, and don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results.