Figuring out your marketing strategy is important for any business. Pest control companies are often seen as boring or unmarketable because people really just don’t like pests and everything associated with them. Compared to fashion, travel, or sports companies, a pest control business ranks pretty low on the “cool” scale. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great marketing strategy that works and creates a hefty return on investment. Read this great article from Moz about “boring” industry marketing success stories. Marketing is all about getting the right message to the right people at the right time, and any business can achieve that!
As a pest control company you have what many businesses dream about: a wide, diverse audience of potential customers. While something like a fashion brand is often restricted to a set age range, income range, and other demographic info, the amount of people who might need pest control services is massive. Who hasn’t discovered an ant trail in their kitchen, found a mouse in their cupboard, or saw a cockroach in their garage? You have all these leads out there, now you just need to pick the best marketing strategy.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful and relevant marketing strategy for today’s consumers. It can sound strange and foreign, but it is actually pretty easy to understand. It “focuses on attracting customers to your website through the use of relevant content.” Rather than hoping that someone will stumble upon your site, people will be actively navigating to your site thanks to content marketing.
People have a lot of questions about pest control, and you have the opportunity to provide them with the answers they are seeking. You have the expertise, experience, and knowledge, so share it! Create a blog on your website and write articles that educate people on topics relevant to your business. Share your top tips for getting rid of rodents or how to tell the difference between different types of termites. You can use frequent questions that customers ask as a source for potential blog topics.
Inbound Marketing
If you are looking for a more comprehensive marketing strategy, look into inbound marketing. Content marketing is often considered to be a subset of inbound, which is “the best way to turn strangers into customers and promoters of your business.” It is the opposite of outbound or interruptive marketing, which most businesses are familiar with. These tactics include advertising, cold calling, and buying leads in hopes that this will bring in customers. With inbound, you are building up your company as a thought leader that people want to hear from and subsequently want to buy from.
Here at Rhino, we definitely speak highly of inbound marketing because we have seen how well it works. Small businesses, including pest control companies, have gone from a trickling stream of low quality leads each month to a steady river of high quality leads that convert to customers after implementing the inbound methodology. Through website optimization and better design, SEO, social media strategy, blogging, and much more, you can also turn around your business and see real results. Inbound is a great choice because it is budget friendly, effective, and fairly easy to understand. Learn how to get started with this blog article.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is not just for young people these days. Ask any of your current customers, and it is highly likely they use some form of social media on either a daily or weekly basis. For pest control companies, platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be great places to connect with new customers, drive new visitors to your website, and interact with past customers. These two platforms have the highest numbers of users and a very diverse audience for you to target. Here are some simple ways to use social media for your business.
The best thing about social media is it is very easy to get started, and it doesn’t cost you a cent. You can set up an account as soon as you close out of this blog and get started building a following. Social media is a great tool to use in conjunction with the other marketing strategies listed here because you can use it to promote your content and to bring in new leads.
According to HubSpot, “80% of marketers indicated that their social media efforts increased traffic!” You can post about any new deals, holiday savings, new services, awards, customer stories, or anything you can think of to promote your business. It is a great place to humanize your brand and show people what sets your pest control company apart from every other.