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5 MUST READ Tips Before Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

Posted by Celeste Aslanyants on Thursday, March 13, 2014

Topics: Inbound Marketing

5TipsCreatingContentPeopleNeedIn creating your online content strategy you should always keep your target consumer’s needs in mind. After all, the entire point of writing this content is to provide something of value to them, which will in turn lead them to making a purchase from you down the line. If you are consistently publishing content that is of very little importance to your target buyer personas, you are essentially wasting your time. The goal is to push out content that they want to read, that they find valuable, and that hopefully they will then share with others.

The below tips will guide you in the right direction when it comes to creating content that people actually need to have.

  1. Make It Worth Their Time

No one wants to feel like their time is being wasted. If a potential client is going to take the time to read something that you’re publishing, you need to make sure it is something they’ll find informative or interesting. If not, you run the risk of causing them to feel annoyed by the fact that they spent their valuable time on something they didn’t really need or want to read.

  1. Make It Worth Sharing

In order to get even more eyes on your content, and potentially more leads in your hands, make the content that you put out shareable. Think in terms of “Top Tips” or “Best Practices”. People love lists because they are easy to read and understand. They get to the point quickly and concisely. Your readers are more likely to pass on this type of content, rather than a long blog post of paragraph after paragraph.

  1. Cause Them to Take Action

In every single blog post, eBook, whitepaper, etc., you should always include an intriguing call-to-action (CTA). This will encourage the reader to continue engaging with your business and get them one step closer to converting into a paying customer. Use your CTA to link out to similar content, special offers, or some of your most popular posts. Anything to keep them interested and on your site will do.

  1. Make It Educational

The best thing about a piece of content is when it leaves the reader feeling as if they’ve learned something from you. If they begin to see you as a leader in your industry and someone they can rely on for valuable, informative content, they will come back time and time again. This will instill a sense of loyalty to your company, which will likely lead to yours being the first business they think of when it’s time for them to make a purchase.

  1. Give Them What They Want

People love free stuff. It’s human nature. If you have free content readily available for your prospective consumers, they will love you for it. Paired with an enticing CTA, a free eBook full of informative content that they actually want to read is a sure winner. A series of blog posts over a topic that will keep them coming back each week is another great idea. Consider what your clients pain points are, and then try to meet them with the content you provide.

The most important thing to remember when creating your content is to consider who your target consumer is and what their needs are, and shape your content strategy around that. If you can provide value through your consistent content, then that is the key to your blogging success. Create content that they actually need to have, and you will have them hooked. To read more, download our FREE eBook on "Blogging For Business."

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